March 17, 2024 | Welcome To The Third World, Part 3: Just Leave Your Keys Where The Car Thieves Can Find Them

This video from Toronto, Canada is both chilling and self-explanatory. Here you go:
“Toronto Police advise the public to reduce the risk of home invasions aimed at car theft by placing their key fobs near the front door. This strategy is suggested because culprits are primarily entering homes to access cars, not to steal other items.” 👇🏽
— Shazi (@ShaziGoalie) March 14, 2024
Why send you stories like this?
If you’re wondering how this series fits into a newsletter about investing and otherwise prepping for hard times, there are actually two reasons:
- When public services like police protection evaporate, we’re left to our own devices and the more prepared we are, the higher our odds of survival. See Your First Gun and The Handymen Will Inherit the Earth.
- Collapsing trust in one part of The System leads to mistrust of the other parts, including — maybe especially — society’s money. So in that sense, our descent into Third World-style chaos is actually a (goldbug) investment thesis. Every time we see something like the above, we should go out and buy another gold or silver coin.
The previous two articles in this series:
Welcome To the Third World, Part 1: California’s “Surprise” $67 Billion Deficit
Welcome To The Third World, Part 2: When The Cops Don’t Come
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John Rubino March 17th, 2024
Posted In: John Rubino Substack