July 24, 2024 | Who Really Controls Your Access to Politicians? The SWAMP!

QUESTION: Marty, I watched Rep. Anna Paulina Luna interrogating the questionable Secret Service Director Cheatle. Paulina accused her of perjury. She says that Garland probably told her to stonewall. Paulina is your representative. Why has she not asked the Inspector General to investigate your case with all the evidence you presented in the Plot to Seize Russia? It seems with Hillary sniffing around the presidency, if she is really gun-ho, she should be championing what you have uncovered.
ANSWER: Let me explain how Washington really works. The UNELECTED bureaucrats run the show – NOT your representative. They stand guard, and you will NEVER get beyond them if it is an issue that they do not want to raise. I doubt that Paulina is even aware of who I am, and I live in her district. I have been in contact with the bureaucrats who surround her, but that is as far as you ever get unless THEY approve of whatever issue is discussed – not the politician. So, without 10,000 letters stuffing her mailbox, the bureaucrats (SWAMP) guard the gates, and you will never get past them, for their real job is to defend the SWAMP!
I voted for Paulina. I think she is smart and has a fire in her belly, as they say. But the bureaucrats that form a ring around your access to any representative are there to DEFEND the SWAMP – not democracy as they claim. This is true for Democrats and Republicans. The UNELECTED bureaucrats are the ones who stuffed Trump’s cabinet with people like John Bolton. Our current political system will crash and burn from its internal corruption driven by protecting the SWAMP at all costs. Bolton did everything in his power to keep waging endless wars to overthrow Russia. You will never get to anyone in Washington unless the bureaucrat who guards them likes the issue. They are the ultimate filter in this corrupt political system.
The Secret Service clearly stood down, and Paulina was correct that it was Attorney General Merrick Garland, who is already in contempt of Congress, who told Director Cheatle not to answer questions. Garland had gone after Trump and had a conflict of interest with Victoria Nuland and Blinken. It is NOT that they are Jewish, but that they all claim that Russians persecuted their families. They use the antisemitism attack on anyone who dares to question what they are doing. I have plenty of Jewish friends with no such conflicts. What are the odds of three people claiming Jewish heritage in the Ukraine region and their families being persecuted by Russians?
There have been plenty of Jewish high level people in Washington. None of them claimed personal injuries by Russians. Remember Henry Kissinger, America’s first Jewish Secretary of State, who advised Nixon on opening China. There was James Schlesinger, who became America’s first Jewish Secretary of Defense. Then there was Arthur Burns, who was America’s second Jewish Chairman of the Federal Reserve and presided over the collapse of Bretton Woods. Herbert Stein was America’s second Jewish Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors. There was also Casper Weinberger, who was OMB Director and Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Oscar Straus was the first Jew appointed as Secretary of Commerce by Theodore Roosevelt back in 1906. Herbert Hoover appointed Eugene Meyer as the first Jewish Chairman of the Federal Reserve in 1930. The mere fact that all three are Jewish is not the issue. They are raising the shield of antisemitism to prevent anyone from investigating their personal conflict of interest, and with Garland in contempt and instructing Director Cheatle to hide the truth, our country is at a serious risk because of these three individuals.
This is what I mean: The unelected bureaucrats control the country—NOT the people, not even our politicians. This is the REAL SWAMP that is by no means limited to the people we elect. It is far more sinister than that, and it runs much deeper – hence the Deep State. These people are always there and remain regardless of the administration. Why is Garland in contempt of Congress? He knows only the DOJ can criminally charge him, and he controls that. He has directed all the prosecutions against Trump.
Now, Garland is apparently telling Director Cheatle to stonewall and commit perjury. Why? Was it just another inside job like JFK? Only Garland can prosecute Cheatle. This is a giant conspiracy, and they still will never tell the truth about the SWAMP’s assassination of JFK more than 60 years ago.
This smells like JFK all over again!
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Martin Armstrong July 24th, 2024
Posted In: Armstrong Economics