January 16, 2024 | The Great Taking, Part 2: More Heavyweights Chime In – Lots of Smart People Seem to Think it’s Legit

The Great Taking remains a fringe subject, mostly ignored by the mainstream media. But in the sound money community, a growing list of heavyweights have concluded that it’s legit.
Here’s a video from GoldSilver’s Mike Maloney:
Mark Jeftovic of The Bitcoin Capitalist recently posted an in-depth analysis, part of which is here:
The Great Taking: the latest anti-mainstream conspiracy
A new book has exploded on the alternative / conspiracy / fringe landscape over the past few weeks – I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense. Zerohedge, Bombthrower Media, et al, we all occupy this space. Let’s call it, “anti-mainstream”.
The book is called “The Great Taking” and there is now a YouTube video documentary of it here. You can’t actually find it on Amazon (deliberate choice by author, I presume); I bought my copy via Lulu, but you can download the PDF for free here.
At the risk of oversimplifying it: The Great Taking puts forth a warning that a virtually unknown entity called “The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation” (DTCC) is effectively the “owner” of all the publicly traded companies in the world, and in fact all debt-based assets of any kind:
“It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass.
Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt.”
Over the course of the book, the author describes a 50-year process by which ownership of shares in public companies, and all debt collateral has been “dematerialized”.
In the olden days, you invested in a company – they gave you physical share certificates – and you were now part owner of the company. This is still how many value investors including me think of stock ownership.
We’re not invested in all of these companies in The Bitcoin Capitalist Portfolio simply because we’re trying to time the oscillations in the price movements. We think of ourselves as partial owners of these businesses.
Michael Saylor, Brian Armstrong, Mike Novogratz, Frank Holmes, Jamie Leverton et al, aren’t just celebrity CEOs in this space (Bitcoin)… they’re our partners. Granted, we’re the minority partners, silent ones, betting the jockeys and just along for the ride; but we don’t think of these positions as just stock charts and price gyrations – we think of them as businesses in which we are part owners.
At least I do.
According to The Great Taking, author David Rogers Webb, this is not true. We don’t own small pieces of these companies, we own claims on those pieces, because – over the course of decades, through the exigencies of ever-increasing trading volumes, combined with the machinations behind the scenes of diabolical manipulators – stock ownership has been supplanted by “security entitlements”.
Webb posits that when the debt super-cycle culminates in its ultimate blow up; the trap will be sprung, and actual ownership over all these companies and assets will be subsumed by the clearing houses. An infinitesimal cadre of elites will effectively own everything, and the masses of the world will be reduced to serfdom.
Which sounds familiar; it seems to be the common theme from The Great Taking to the WEF’s Great Reset (or Stakeholder Capitalism, or whatever they’re calling it these days).
It’s the mother of all wealth transfers, one that makes the ongoing wealth transfer of inflation and the Cantillon Effect – or the sharp shock heists that occur during every crisis from the dot-com bust through the GFC to the Covid Panic (the last of which saw an overt war on small business as those deemed “non-essential” were shut down while the megacorps were propped up by the central banks) – seem tame.
Jeftovic has much more to say on this topic here (scroll down a bit to find it).
Dr. Joseph Mercola has been right about pretty much everything related to covid, pharmaceuticals, and public health policy in recent years. So he’s earned some cred on anything that involves high-level corruption. He posted this in December:
The Great Taking: How the Banksters Plan to Steal Everything From Everyone
Although the plan is decades in the making, David Webb details signs that indicate it may be coming to fruition soon — if nothing is done to stop it. If and when that occurs, it would result in complete subjugation of humanity.
Signs a ‘Great Taking’ Financial Collapse Is Coming
Webb has been studying global financial systems for more than two decades. By researching historical precedents, like bank closures that occurred during the Great Depression, he’s noticed signs that may foreshadow a coming financial collapse:3
“This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property.
Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.”
Webb compares it to the global financial distress that occurred in the 1930s due to debt levels. At the time, 9,000 U.S. banks failed, taking $7 billion in depositors’ assets with them.4 “When a bank failed the depositors were simply left without a penny. The life savings of millions of Americans were wiped out by the bank failures,” the U.S. Social Security Administration states.5
Their debts, however, were not canceled but, rather, were consolidated into the Federal Reserve system and enforced. “So, people that were in debt were in trouble,” Webb says. “Even wealthy people lost everything. The difference this time around is they’re not going after just property that is encumbered by debt.” He explains:6
“They’ve engineered this so they can take things, all securities, as collateral from people and entities that have no borrowings against them. They own them clear and outright. Now let me give you an example as an analogy to explain the horror of this. So, you have bought a car and you paid cash for it, you think you’re being very conservative, you have no debt against the car.
But unbeknownst to you, the dealer continues to control your car as collateral, you’re not told this, the dealer uses your car and all the other cars sold by the dealer as collateral for his borrowing and his business. Now, the dealer goes bust, and only certain secured creditors are empowered to immediately take your car and all the cars ever sold by the dealer without any judicial review. Immediately.
When I describe this to people, they get worried about their cars. This is not about your car. This is an analogy for what has been done. It’s much worse than this being about your car, because it is literally about the entire securities complex globally. So it is not about your insolvency that causes the loss of your assets. It’s the insolvency of the people that secretly used your collateral as their property without telling you that or disclosing it.”
The Dematerialization of Securities to Electronic Holdings Started in the ‘60s
The Great Taking is a carefully orchestrated construct, but one that has legal underpinnings and support from the CIA and upper echelons of government. It’s a plan that dates back to the 1960s, when the process of dematerializing securities to hold them electronically began. According to Webb:7
“Yes, they have changed law. Can that be challenged? That’s what has to happen. So, this was the process, they changed it in the Uniform Commercial Code. This was beginning in 1994. The efforts to affect this actually go back further than that into the 1960s, when they began the process of dematerialization of securities to hold them all electronically, which some people were suspicious about then — and they were right to be suspicious.
It is clear that that beginning process was literally run by the CIA. And this is not conspiracy theory. The man who was charged with forming the Depository Trust … discloses that he was a career CIA operative from the time he was a young man. So, there was a grand strategic purpose behind this.
They’ve been able to do it because it has been run from the highest levels of the U.S. government … then this construct of the securities entitlement was put into the Uniform Commercial Code that was pushed through all 50 states — done quietly … in 1994. It took maybe 10 years to get it done in all the states, then they changed the Bankruptcy Law in 2005.”
The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008 — the largest commercial collapse in history — was a test that paved the way for global harmonization, that is, the plan to force this model in global law. Webb continues:
“They did this through the EU, the first discussion in documents in the EU is in 2002. So that’s when the process was beginning then in the aftermath of the.com bust, and the EU created something they called the legal certainty group. And again, that sounds like a good thing.
But what they mean is legal certainty that the secured creditors will take the client assets, and they worked at this for years, figuring out how to subvert local law. When you think about it, rights to property is kind of a sacred thing. It’s something that all people should care about. And oddly enough, even the people participating in making this happen should care about this in a big way.”
This is also a very long article. Read the rest here.
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John Rubino January 16th, 2024
Posted In: John Rubino Substack