June 1, 2023 | Poilievre Reminds Trudeau of His School Sex Scandal

Pierre Poilievre may have momentarily humbled Justin Trudeau after knocking him off his high horse. Poilievre demanded answers regarding inflation in Canada, specifically the growing costs of groceries. Trudeau wants to increase the carbon tax by over C$0.40 cents per liter to C$0.61 cents, guaranteed to increase the costs of essential items at a time when Canadians are already struggling with the increased cost of goods.
Justin Trudeau stated that he began his career as a teacher before entering politics as if he were in tune with the average Canadian citizen and not a nepotism baby with no real qualifications. Poilievre reminded Trudeau that he was clearly not a math teacher and then took it a step further by reminding Trudeau that he was forced to leave his teaching position in the middle of the semester. “I am having trouble remembering why,” Poilievre stated, receiving a roaring applause.
All Canadians know the scandal. In 2001, the West Point Grey Academy fired Trudeau after he was accused of having numerous relationships with students and potentially a student’s mother. Trudeau had deep connections due to his last name and was able to conceal the story, claiming he left mid-semester to take up a different career path. They claim there is no evidence against Trudeau, but would anyone want to be in the national spotlight and have their name dragged through the mud? Trudeau groomed his students and then received grooming by Klaus Schwab to become a Young Leader of the WEF. Now this man walks around telling other nations about ethics and morals.
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Martin Armstrong June 1st, 2023
Posted In: Armstrong Economics