November 17, 2022 | President Xi Scolds Trudeau for G20 Media Leak

The fear on Trudeau’s face is priceless. Everyone knows Justin Trudeau loves the spotlight. He is merely a celebrity like Zelensky. Justin is not a true statesman but a political puppet who does what he is told, as a good World Economic Forum Young Leader should. Within hours of what should have been a private meeting, the mainstream media released everything to the public. China’s Xi confronted Trudeau for disclosing altered information and making a complete fool of himself.
Everything discussed yesterday “has been leaked to the paper(s), that’s not appropriate” and “that’s not the way the conversation was conducted,” Xi told Trudeau through a translator. Justin, like a reprimanded schoolboy, said they “could work constructively together, but there will be things they disagree on.” Xi replied, “Let’s create the conditions first,” meaning do not open your mouth to the media when we are negotiating global affairs. There is nothing to disagree on when the conditions have not been outlined.
Before people cry “but, but, free speech—we can say what we can here,” let us not forget that Trudeau said China was his ideal government. Another step in the wrong direction for China and Western relations.
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Martin Armstrong November 17th, 2022
Posted In: Armstrong Economics