July 15, 2023 | Tech Talk for Saturday July 15th 2023

Donald Vialoux is author of the free blog Tech Talk, a daily investment report available during the past 20 years at www.timingthemarket.ca. Comments focus on the seasonal and technical outlook for equity indices, commodities and sectors. Mr. Vialoux has 53 years of experience in the investment industry and is a past president of the Canadian Society of Technical Analysts (CSTA).
The Bottom Line
Here come second quarter results! Early responses to better than consensus reports released last week were encouraging with nice gains recorded by Pepsico, Delta Airlines, UnitedHealth Group and JP Morgan. However, selling pressures appeared on Friday: Selected stocks sold down sharply after reporting less than consensus quarterly results. Notable was weakness in Bank of New York Mellon and State Street.
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Don Vialoux July 15th, 2023
Posted In: Tech Talk
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