September 11, 2024 | Kamala’s Phycological Warfare & Eating Cats & Dogs

COMMENT #3: Thank you for your interesting feedback on the debate; I was also very surprised at how well Kamala performed. She appeared calm and collected. Trump, on the contrary, did not come across as a resolute winner. I do not understand why he had to mention things such as immigrants feeding on cats and ducks – now he is the butt of jokes. Mind you, are the memes out there hilarious? I also think he did not expect Kamala to be that eloquent and relatable in her answers, maybe he was not even prepared himself for the debate because he thought it would be a done deal. The problem now is that she might have secured a massive chance to become the next president of the United States of America.
COMMENT #2: Kamala appears to have been over-prepared and cleverly avoided any of the real questions. I agree; whoever prepared her did a fantastic job.
COMMENT #3: What about the single pearl earring? Was it a NOVA product?
REPLY #3: I think what is going around about her earring is indicative of what our model has been warning – NOBODY will accept this election. Who knows whether her sudden articulate manner was crafted by such devices? The LEFT will call it misinformation or conspiracy theory. The Media will never investigate. So where does that leave us? As usual, somewhere in never-never-land where 50% of the people just don’t believe anything from Kamala and the other 50% hate Trump.
COMMENT #43: People may think Trump’s comments about eating dogs were a joke, but the reason we call it Chicken Cho Mein is because Gǒu Mein was made with dog meat. The word Gǒu means dog. You may think it is a joke if you haven’t lived in Asia. There is a recent controversy over the “dog meat” festival in Yulin, a city in southwest China’s Guangxi province. There was a debate over the festival, and only when it caught the eye of the West, it was forced to quietly claim that the whole affair was run by local businesspeople in an attempt to avoid responsibility. People have forgotten the origin of COVID. That was supposed to be the wildlife trade in the wet markets of Wuhan, Hubei, China, where this COVID-19 outbreak originated. They sell all sorts of exotic animals for food.
REPLY #4: Look, eating cats and dogs in Asia has been around for a long time. I have spent time throughout Asia, and you encounter everything from snakes and bats to elephants, Rhino tusks, and monkey brains. You find fried grasshoppers in cones like French fries. When there is a shortage of food, you will eat whatever moves. There have even been cannibals at times. Some enjoy leaving the food out to attract cockroaches and eat them live.
Even the Human Society posts about their efforts to save dogs and cats from the meat trade. It is bad enough that all the illegal immigrants are becoming violent and robbing as well as raping people. But public officials lie and pretend this is not happening and I was very disappointed in ABC for when Trump mentioned the subject, immediately they said the town official said he was unaware of any such documented case.
As far as the exotic food markets, stories of immigrants eating dos, ducks, cats, snakes, you name, are not jokes. ABC News did a huge disservice with their cheap shot at Trump on this subject. The exotic food market is real in China. Stop pandering to the Democrats and pretending all the waves of immigrants is a fiction.
ABC was UNPROFESSIONAL and did not bother to see if it was true. They used it to ridicule Trump. Officials also said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Come on. Throwing out some unproven local official statements to cover up what is taking place is outrageous and corrupt. I’m sure ABC considers this 95-pound woman an absolute liar.
Forget the issues that Kamala never addressed. Whoever prepared her did even more than a fantastic job. They trained her in physiological warfare. From the start, she walked to Trump’s side to shake his hand. This is Pysc Warfare 101. Trump is expecting an adversary, and suddenly, they shake your hand. It is not a gesture of friendship; it is to disorient your opponent, who you have been demonizing to everyone. It is unexpected that you then shake the hand of the devil.
Trump has run for president for his whole life. People have downplayed him, saying he is nothing because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Kamala’s performance was physiological tactics. She even said he was born with the silver spoon and handed $400 million at birth, knowing that is what has driven Trump always to prove he is a worthwhile person who stands on his own. That was why he ran for president, to show that this had not been handed to him.
Kamala avoided any substance, and ABC did not push her buttons. The most significant risk of Kamala is the Democratic thirst for taxes, for they never get enough. They win elections only by promising to take something from someone else. Central Banks have been neutered. Raising interest rates does not influence the government to spend less – it merely increases the interest costs to roll the debt.
I asked the computer, using its what-if analysis, what would happen if Kamala won this election. It came back with a two-year correction of at least 20% up to the second target of 44%. This election appears to be a real game-changer.
Look, I have tried my best to prevent Socrates’s forecasts. I am the one who is always wrong. I have been unable to beat the computer even once. I’m not too fond of forecasts for the future. Understanding history, we must crash and burn, for that is the ONLY way to emerge post-2032 with a new freedom. With each passing day, it becomes more and more authoritarian. Do be shocked if one day they claim I committed suicide like Epstein or an immigrant assassinates me. This is just what they do. They will fight tooth and nail to hold on to their power. But Socrates will be correct. They will lose this fight to retain power, and in the process, the Financial Capital of the World will move to China.
There is nobody is Washington that will listen to me and change course. We simply have run out of time like every empire. They are all buried in a common grave, and because of the precise arrogance we are witnessing, PEACE is no longer fashionable. Everyone wants war. The problem with war is that even the Romans knew wars never end as expected.
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Martin Armstrong September 11th, 2024
Posted In: Armstrong Economics