June 25, 2023 | Recessions Come with Bear Markets

David Rosenberg, founder and president of Rosenberg Research, joins BNN Bloomberg to discuss U.S. Fed chair Jerome Powell’s latest comments. He says a recession certainly will happen, and we’re at or near the end of the tightening cycle. Here is a direct video link.
Caveats noted on the Japan comment: global decoupling is not a thing, if North America is in recession, Japan will not be immune. “If you have to be fully invested in the equity market”, Japan is less over-valued than most. Long always funds and managers are mandated to hold equities at all times. Individual investors do not have to!
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Danielle Park June 25th, 2023
Posted In: Juggling Dynamite
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Danielle your one of the best professional wall builders. Your ability to add brick after brick to the wall of worry is much appreciated. I look to the sky as I climb the wall of worry that you have done such a wonderful job helping the bears build snort. Job well done