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July 11, 2021 | Can you Sue an Employer Who Mandates Vaccines?

Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.

Eric Clapton took the vaccine and now can no longer perform. He said: “The vaccine destroyed me – I now live with pills due to neuropathy.” The sad part of this is that they are pushing vaccines like a cocaine dealer and nobody has does anything to research why someone people suffered side effects or die and others do not. This is like simply going to the casino and rolling the dice to see if you win or lose. According to Leslie Parent, vice dean for research and graduate studies in the Penn State College of Medicine, one of the most respected in the nation, bluntly said: “Scientists do not fully understand why this is the case, but the differences could be due to a combination of a person’s age, genetics and past exposure to other viruses, including common-cold coronaviruses.” Yet nobody knows anything and they still demand everyone be vaccinated.

You cannot sue the vaccine companies and the government will not pay any damages either. They demand you get the jab, but have not done any research to ensure it is safe. However, if an employer insists that you get vaccinated, this is really quite foolish for they are NOT under the immunity blanket. If an employee missed work due to any side effects from receipt of the vaccine, the employer has a problem. Such an illness could be considered a compensable injury under workers’ compensation laws. If the employee dies because of a manadatory vaccine, the family may line up to sue the employer. Businesses better watch what they are doing. They can end up being responsible in many ways. Nobody asks if you got the flu shot or the Polio vaccine when you were a kid. Why is COVID so different when it is on par with the Flu insofar as being lethal. At the very least, this will become a Workman’s Comp claim which could seriously jeopardize the company long-term.

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July 11th, 2021

Posted In: Armstrong Economics

One Comment

  • Bea Deplorable says:

    For this reason I refuse to take or even give it to my family. This vaccine has NEVER been researched verses every other vaccine that has been tested at lease for 10 years or more.For people who`s yelling that this virus is being spread by non-vaxxer`s, WHY are they getting covid? ALSO,if YOUR`E vaxxed, there surely should be no worries on your part as of being afraid of me who`s not vaxxed, but I need to be DEATHLY afraid of you,for you can spread it to me. One day, you`ll see what the results are from this vaccine. So STOP, assaulting and blaming me.

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