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The Goddard Report

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The Goddard Report is an alternative media source that delivers informative stories that are often ignored or underreported by the mainstream media. Hosted by veteran investigative reporter Jim Goddard.

The Goddard Report - Anita Krishna: Did you get the real story during the “pandemic”?

The Goddard Report -  Dr. Martin Pall: Cell phone companies hiding the truth about harmful 5G

The Goddard Report - Mark Friesen – Genocide cover-up in Canada? Follow Mark on Twitter  Facebook and Rumble

The Goddard Report - Maxime Bernier Leader of the Peoples Party of Canada – Election Fraud, Propaganda, Woke, the King.  Follow Maxime on Twitter.  Follow Maxime on Rumble. Follow Maxime on YouTube.  Follow Maxime on Facebook.  Follow Maxime on Instagram. View PPC Platform. 

The Goddard Report - Salvatore Vetro – Government takeover of Healthcare and Doctors

The Goddard Report - James Davison, Founder / Marcella Desjarlais, Co-Founder  Stand United BC –  Mainstream Media Ignoring Recall of BC Premier.  Bill 36 puts BC Healthcare at risk! Recall David Eby

The Goddard Report - Bill Vander Zalm – People need to stand up before it gets worse

The Goddard Report - Dr. Stephen Malthouse – Making Doctors Agents of the State

The Goddard Report - Bill Vander Zalm – Covid, Climate Change and Total Control of the People

The Goddard Report - Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and Salim Mansur –   Who is really calling the shots in Canada? Let Freedom Reign Tour

The Goddard Report - Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson –  You’re not hearing the truth about government efforts to remove rights

The Goddard Report - Dr. Stephen Malthouse – New evidence revealed

The Goddard Report - Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson – Ending Mandates and Restrictions.  Convoy To Ottawa 2022 Facebook.

The Goddard Report - Tanya Gaw – Powerless mandates, bylaws and orders. Freedom is yours for the taking.

The Goddard Report - Jordan Bateman –  Emergency response to flooding and red tape

The Goddard Report - Kris Sims – Coming carbon taxes destructive to economy, families

The Goddard Report - Jordan Bateman – Lack of support for small business, poor logging policy cited

The Goddard Report - Maxime Bernier Leader of the People’s Party of Canada – Freedom vs. Tyranny, Florida vs. Canada.  Follow Maxime on Twitter.  Follow Maxime on YouTube. Follow Maxime on Facebook.  Follow Maxime on Instagram. View PPC Platform. 

The Goddard Report - Kris Sims –  BC NDP take first step to “secret” undemocratic government

The Goddard Report - Jordan Bateman –  Supply chain and inflation problems impacting construction industry

The Goddard Report - Kris Sims –  Canada’s carbon taxes will boost inflation

The Goddard Report - Jordan Bateman –  The solution to BC’s labour shortage

The Goddard Report - Kris Sims – What is the BC NDP trying to hide with FOI fee?

The Goddard Report - Jordan Bateman  – Surrey looks to expand industrial capacity, jobs

The Goddard Report - Kris Sims –  Surrey BC Stomps Down Hard on Free Speech
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