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June 27, 2021 | Protestors Block the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick Border

Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong is current chairman and founder of Armstrong Economics. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.


Civil unrest is rising in Canada due to Trudeau’s tyranny. Transit between the border of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick was closed for nearly a day after the Nova Scotia government announced that those traveling from New Brunswick would be forced to self-quarantine upon arrival. The decision was announced only a day after Novia Scotia’s government agreed to open borders with P.E.I. and Newfoundland and Labrador with no quarantine or testing requirements. “Families have been split apart for months and months and months and looking for that to finally come to an end today. And then at the last minute, the 11th hour, having that dashed? Extremely, extremely disappointing,” one protestor said, pointing out the harm that the border closure to New Brunswick has caused.

Protestors even blocked a truck from entering with what was believed to be COVID-19 vaccines. In a video circling the internet, you can see protestors standing in front of the truck and demanding to know if it is carrying experimental COVID vaccines. The people are livid. Eyes are beginning to open as people realize how much control the government has over their lives, wielding the power to change the rules at any time. You can only push the people so far before they begin to fight back. “If the government can state we can’t do these things against our Charter of Rights, we are going in protest to say, ‘No, it’s not acceptable.’ You can’t keep hanging a carrot in front of all of your people and then yanking the carrot away. You can’t keep giving false promises. Lie after lie,” another protestor demanded. This is all in line with our computer’s forecast – the people no longer trust their governments.


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June 27th, 2021

Posted In: Armstrong Economics

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